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Cats & Dogs
We offer indoor boarding for your Canine and Feline pets. Dogs are walked two times per day by our kennel assistants. For breakfast and dinner, your pets are fed Science Diet Prescription I/D. If your pet soils their kennel, they are immediately moved out, the kennel cleaned and dried, and your pet moved back. We encourage bringing items and food for that "homey" touch but leave the bedding at home and take your leashes with you when you say good-bye! And definitely, don't forget any medications your pet might be on! There is no extra charge for administrating medications. Family members may be kept in the same kennel as our kennels fit up to three medium sized dogs and two large sized dogs. Cat kennels can fit up to two family members. You can check-in and check-out your pets during office hours or you can pre-pay and check your pets in and out on the weekends! Weekend drop off and pick up times are 8AM and 5PM!
We do require that your pets be current on all vaccinations. If Pets are over due, we require they receive them at least 1 week prior to boarding with us.